By The Stanford Research Interpretive Center

A series exploring the social and cultural echo-chamber of entitlement and take-what-you-want frat-house extremism that typifies Silicon Valley venture capitalists and their tech CEO's.

Every few years a burst of revelation articles appear and reveal the latest batch of sexual abuses and misogyny horrors levied upon Stanford interns and Palo Alto young ladies by Silicon Valley "Elites". After a week of discussion, those very same venture capitalists grind out orders to Facebook, Google and their main stream media to shut all of the media coverage down. The news stories disappear and the tech oligarchs can get back to raping and pillaging.

The VC's go into recovery mode. They put pictures of their female interns and secretaries on their "Team" page on their websites in a grid of photos to make it look like "we hire girls too" and they make the pictures the same size as the old Jewish bosses who run each VC firm. They pay off the pregnant ones and send the shell-shocked ones to another city. They issue the boiler-plate "we will try harder" BS media statement (which actually means "we will try harder not to get caught"). They pull a few Twitter accounts and they continue to rape, abuse and pervert.

They can afford nearly undetectable date rape drugs, skin applied topical narcotic night club stimulants, 60 proof alcohol, pheromone and oxytocin mood manipulation vapor sprays and "I AM RICH AND I CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU" Aston Martins and Ferrari's. For $800.00 they can get any girl or guy in a sexual position that they never would have gotten into if they were in a non- compromised mental state.

They could hire a hooker but the ultimate goal of Silicon Valley Oligarchs is to control and manipulate vulnerable people. They are not into it for sexual pleasure. They do these twisted things in order to raise themselves up in their own eyes. The hookers that Google executives hire say that the executives hire them so that they can be "dismissed" after they are used for sex. Every intern says that they felt "used". The vulnerable female entrepreneurs that they extort sex from (with promises of funding) say that they feel "raped". Nobody feels good after an encounter with these men.

The men's names are famous and notorious. Their firms are Greylock, Accel, Kleiner Perkins, Intel Ventures, Google Ventures, Firelake, Khosla, Westley and other names that you see in the news every day. Here are some of these stories:

Tech titan Michael Goguen of Sequioa Capital ‘kept Amber Baptiste as an 'anal sex slave' for 13 years’

WARNING: Disturbing content. A top venture capitalist has been accused of violently raping and drugging a woman, whom he kept as a sex slave.

Joe Tacopino
New York Post

A SILICON Valley venture capitalist has been sued for $US40 million ($53 million) by a woman who claims he used her as a virtual sex slave for 13 years.

The New York Post reports that Michael Goguen, who had worked for a firm that funded Google and Paypal, “sexually and physically” abused Amber Laurel Baptiste over more than 13 years after picking her up at a Texas strip club in 2001, her lawsuit alleges.

Ms Baptiste, who claims she was brought to the United States from Canada by human traffickers at 15, said she endured “countless hours of forced sodomy” from the tech titan.

The former stripper said Mr Goguen made her endure demeaning sexual acts, sodomised her for “six hours at a time,” and forced her to call him “king” and “emperor.”

In 2012, she was forced to have emergency surgery after Goguen sodomised her so violently that he ripped through her anal canal, causing a 17-centimetre tear, then ‘left her bleeding and alone on the floor of a hotel room in a foreign country ... nearly haemorrhaging to death’, the lawsuit claims.

Amber Baptiste, who claims venture capitalist Michael Goguen kept her as a sex slave for 13 years. Picture: Superior Court of California San Mateo County

Amber Baptiste, who claims venture capitalist Michael Goguen kept her as a sex slave for 13 years. Picture: Superior Court of California San Mateo CountySource:Supplied

Mr Goguen divorced his wife, the mother of his two children, in 2001 then remarried a few months later — while allegedly pursuing Ms Baptiste.

He divorced his second wife in 2006 and promised to devote himself to Ms Baptiste, the suit claims.

However, he remarried just months later and had another three children — but allegedly kept them a secret from Ms Baptiste. He later divorced his third wife.

One of the women he married was model and owner of the Naked Princess boutique, Jordana Woodland.

Filed in California on March 8, Ms Baptiste’s suit details a life of torture and servitude as she was jetting around the globe to serve as the millionaire’s plaything.

Michael Goguen accused of sexual, physical abuse

She claims Mr Goguen had promised to save her from human trafficking but instead became an even worse predator himself.

Mr Goguen, who was forced to step down from his position at Sequoia Capital, did not deny that the two had a sexual relationship but insisted the sex was consensual.

He filed a countersuit against Ms Baptiste claiming she is an “exotic dancer ... looking for a payday.”

The venture capitalist said Ms Baptiste was obsessed with him and sought to extort him because she was jealous of his wife.

Third wife ... Jordana Woodland was married to Michael Goguen. Picture: Michael Kovac/FilmMagic

Third wife ... Jordana Woodland was married to Michael Goguen. Picture: Michael Kovac/FilmMagicSource:Getty Images

In his countersuit, Mr Goguen provides pages of texts and emails in which she apparently refers to him as “Prince Charming,” “My Beautiful Love” and “the sweetest man in the world.”

The suit includes Ms Bapiste’s descriptions of the “amazing sex” the two had together and photos that she allegedly sent him in which she is seen playfully posing in her underwear.

Ms Baptiste is demanding $US40 million, saying the two agreed on the amount to compensate her for the horrors she had suffered.

Mr Goguen, who has already paid her $US10 million, said she is “a woman scorned” and a victim “of her own delusions.”

He claims that when he tried to end their relationship, Ms Baptiste became bent on vengeance, threatening to ruin his life and reputation.

He said that he had no choice but to pay her the $US10 million, but that she refused to relent and demanded more money.

Sequoia Capital released a statement that called Mr Goguen’s departure from the firm the “appropriate course of action.”

A philanthropist, Mr Goguen was lauded for donating $US2 million to fight online child pornography and sex trafficking where he lives in Montana.

This article originally appeared in The New York Post